Tag: Tutorials for Eagle PCB

  • How to Draw an Electrical Connection in a PCB Schematic

    How to Draw an Electrical Connection in a PCB Schematic

    Now that you know how to add parts into your schematic, you are ready to learn the process of connecting these parts electrically. In Eagle, this is known as nets. Similar to the process in real-life (e.g. breadboard) where you make make electrical connections between parts, Nets allows Eagle to understand how the circuit is built. It is a…

  • Creating Projects, Library, and Schematics – PCB Tutorial

    Creating Projects, Library, and Schematics – PCB Tutorial

    This is the first tutorial in the complete PCB design tutorial set. I will cover three basic aspects of Eagle PCB. They include creating a project, adding a library, and lastly, creating a schematic. After following these steps, you will know how to start off a new project and at the same time, understand the…