A Blog About Computer Aided Design

  • How to Make Threads in SolidWorks

    How to Make Threads in SolidWorks

    In this tutorial, I will show you how to make threads in SolidWorks while creating a hexagonal bolt. By following this tutorial, you will also learn about the basic menus in SolidWorks, how to draw polygons, how to use the CHAMFER command, and finally, how to add cosmetic threads to your design. A cosmetic thread is used in a…

  • Are Gaming Mouses the Best Mouses for More Than Just Gaming?

    Are Gaming Mouses the Best Mouses for More Than Just Gaming?

    The video gaming industry is built upon and relies on technology. From the engines and systems used to create the games, to the consoles and kits used to play them, there would be no games without technology.  Gaming controllers have gone through innumerable iterations over the years, with specific designs reserved for specific brands and…

  • Exploded View in SolidWorks: Tutorial

    Exploded View in SolidWorks: Tutorial

    Exploded views in SolidWorks are highly used in design/ideas presentation in 3D modeling/assemblies. An exploded view shows an assembly’s components spread out, but positioned to show how they fit together when assembled. This will allow presenting an assembly in a brief and quick manner, showing all components and ordering them as you want to show…

  • Create a Coffee Cup Using Revolve and Sweep in SolidWorks

    Create a Coffee Cup Using Revolve and Sweep in SolidWorks

    In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at some simple but powerful tools in SolidWorks that you can use to turn three simple sketches into a coffee cup. This tutorial is a part of the series of tutorials we are creating for all skill levels. The main tools we’ll be using to create the basic…

  • Computer-Aided Design For Healthcare: 4 Tips For Safety And Security

    Computer-Aided Design For Healthcare: 4 Tips For Safety And Security

    Computer-aided design (CAD) is often associated with engineering, primarily because engineers use it all the time in envisioning their design plans. However, constructing houses and buildings isn’t the only thing it’s good at. Any industry that relies on computer technology to get jobs done will benefit from CAD, including healthcare. For the record, this isn’t…

  • Improve Your CAD Skills With These Expert Tips

    Improve Your CAD Skills With These Expert Tips

    The engineering world is transitioning from paper and pencil designs to a more structured and measured system of presenting visual information. Computer-aided design (CAD) uses a digital system to support the creation and development of a design, improving it and making it better than the manually drawn paper version of the design. These design software…

  • The Impact Of CNC Machining On The Modern Manufacturing Industry

    The Impact Of CNC Machining On The Modern Manufacturing Industry

    Technology is becoming a critical part of the manufacturing process. From producing prototypes to mass production and even robotic assembly, technology is helping companies save time and money. CNC machining (or computer numerical control) has become an important tool in today’s manufacturing industry. This technology is becoming more and more popular, as it brings significant…

  • CNC Machining Service: How Does It Work?

    CNC Machining Service: How Does It Work?

    CNC manufacturing, or computer numerical control machining, is a common manufacturing method that employs computerized, fast-cutting tools to make shapes from metal or plastic stock. CNC machines can precisely and reliably cut any metal alloy and rigid plastic material. Top-tier CNC machining facilities have a selection of machines at their disposal, which can simultaneously mill,…

  • How To Use CAD For Your Land Surveying Business

    How To Use CAD For Your Land Surveying Business

    A land surveying business is quickly becoming one of the most profitable and desirable businesses, thanks to rapid technological and software advancements. Moreover, the demand for land surveyors has also grown as businesses and individuals rely heavily on accurate land information for various purposes. Land surveying businesses depend on different technologies to provide their clients…

  • A Design Company’s Guide To Choosing A Managed IT Service Provider

    A Design Company’s Guide To Choosing A Managed IT Service Provider

    As a design company, you often use Information Technology (IT) in the daily running of your business for tasks like photoshopping, illustrating, or In designing. You’d want to handle your typical business operations easily without taking care of intricate and time-consuming IT tasks. Thus, it’d help to turn to managed IT service providers (MSPs). These…

  • 4 Data Storage And Backup Tips For Design Businesses

    4 Data Storage And Backup Tips For Design Businesses

    The number and size of files you save in your company system vary depending on their content. For instance, Word or Excel documents don’t take up much space compared to raw design files or videos. But if you’re running a design business, you might need higher-capacity storage. Various files you work on can take up…

  • 5 Considerations When Hiring Tech Support For A Product Design Company

    5 Considerations When Hiring Tech Support For A Product Design Company

    Running a product design company is no easy feat. There are many moving parts, from the initial product design to prototyping and mass production. You’ll also have to juggle marketing, sales, and customer service, especially when the product is ready to hit the shelves. With technology being involved in every step of the process, tech…

  • The Role Of IT Support In Engineering Design Companies

    The Role Of IT Support In Engineering Design Companies

    Technology continues to play an essential role in how industries and businesses operate. Engineering design companies, for instance. Modern tools and solutions help streamline their functions when designing products, analyzing complex design problems, drafting plans, ensuring effective communications within the organization, and even aiding in securing sensitive business information.  But to ensure smooth operations, the…

  • Why Compliance Is Crucial To CAD Businesses

    Why Compliance Is Crucial To CAD Businesses

    Companies can categorize compliance as their ability to conform to rules and regulations. These could be those they set for themselves, but also those of the area where you operate. Along with being compliant with the authorities, there are business-related benefits for these companies that they cannot ignore. Computer-aided design (CAD) is an area of…

  • Why You Should Transfer Your CAD Data To The Cloud

    Why You Should Transfer Your CAD Data To The Cloud

    Businesses worldwide have shifted to advanced technology, making many processes more straightforward. Even storing vital information turned virtual, with more companies forgoing multiple filing cabinets for online cloud networks. Thus, you’ll find files like CAD data in the cloud rather than physical storage in engineering, design, and similar fields.  Clouds are godsends to businesses and…

  • What Is UX Tree Testing and How to Use It for Your CAD Project?

    What Is UX Tree Testing and How to Use It for Your CAD Project?

    Tree testing is a method for assessing the effectiveness of a proposed website layout by having users locate specific content using just the site’s organization and terminology. This web-based evaluation shows just the menu options and hides all other content. Designers understand the product’s information architecture and category hierarchy using the tree testing technique. Tree…

  • Best Woodworking CAD Software In The Market

    Best Woodworking CAD Software In The Market

    Woodworking is a specific discipline in the world of CAD, special due to the nature of production more than the nature of the development phase. For great woodworking CAD software, there are a number of options available.  One of the best woodworking CAD software is Shapr3D. It’s extremely easy to pick up and use, works…

  • 3D Printing: How Printers Drive Innovation?

    3D Printing: How Printers Drive Innovation?

    3D printers can considerably reduce the cost of production and, in turn, the price of products. And companies such as Alveo 3D also help to improve the environmental impact of printing. The future of 3D printing looks bright as it is expected to bring dramatic advancements in many areas, from construction and electronics to the…

  • The Benefits of Large Format CAD Printers

    The Benefits of Large Format CAD Printers

    The trend in 3D printing has been toward smaller, more affordable, and easier-to-use machines. But the large format CAD printers are still here and still useful for numerous applications. If you’re looking to make your next project bigger than life (and can afford it), these machines may be right up your alley. Large format CAD…

  • 5 Best CAD Drawing Apps For Android

    5 Best CAD Drawing Apps For Android

    CAD software is currently the best and most advanced tool available for drafting. For CAD drawing, there are many different types of software. Although CAD drafting appears to be a very difficult procedure, many smartphone apps can handle it. Even with the most popular CAD software on the planet, AutoCAD, you can work and draw…

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