Category: Computer Workstation

  • What To Look For In a CAD PC In 2022

    What To Look For In a CAD PC In 2022

    Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is an exceptionally demanding task to run on your PC or laptop. To render high-quality photo-realistic graphics in 3D is a task that takes enormous amounts of processing.  Running CAD applications such as AutoCAD for 3D modeling requires a modern high spec machine. Thankfully in 2022, there will be a range of…

  • 5 Things to Consider When Buying a Computer for Graphic Design

    5 Things to Consider When Buying a Computer for Graphic Design

    Anyone in the graphic design industry will agree that a workman is only as good as his tools. Your computer will have a massive sway on the course of your career and will determine if you will express yourself as clearly as you wish and how long it will take for you to complete projects. …

  • What Should the Best CAD Setup Include in 2020?

    What Should the Best CAD Setup Include in 2020?

    Preparing your CAD setup for the new year? Professional or hobbyist, your CAD gear is your arsenal and needs to be the all-in-one for a smooth and hassle-free CADing session. If you can dish out the cash, this article aims to take you through each of the items that you definitely need for a setup (workspace…

  • Screen setups for CAD – Landscape vs. Portrait

    Screen setups for CAD – Landscape vs. Portrait

    Looking for the best screen setups for CAD? Well, the first thing that comes to mind when I personally want to setup a new system or rig is the display. That’s because at the end of the day, the display will be what I use to see what the system chooses to show me. For…

  • Top 5 SSD of 2020

    With almost 4 new mainstream abstractions for the SSD technology, we got around to putting the best options available in the market head to head. Reviewing the top products from each category we also added an extra product from the category we think will be the new thing in the coming future. Read on for…

  • Best Mobile Workstation for CAD in 2020

    Best Mobile Workstation for CAD in 2020

    The best mobile workstation for CAD is a notch above in performance to the rest of the personal computers. It requires stability in architecture and a clockwork-precise arrangement of hardware for the ultimate level of internal communication and processing. Furthermore, it requires a CAD GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and other particular assortments for the latest…

  • Choosing the Best CAD Workstation Furniture

    Choosing the Best CAD Workstation Furniture

    CAD furniture by itself is an extension of furniture and arrangements that maximize a CADer’s comfort during the experience. The furniture complements the person more than the software, as is the case when you’re building your workstation from scratch. The furniture allows you to house all your equipment, with progressive advancements in design and function.…

  • Guide to the Best CPU for CAD Workstation

    Guide to the Best CPU for CAD Workstation

    The CPU is the core of your system unit. It is the source of all logical reasoning and processing power whilst maintaining a queuing mechanism stronger than any human mind or hand is capable of. This scheduling or queuing mechanism allows every nano-second’s worth of time to be utilized in order to multi task with…

  • Best Graphics Card for CAD Programs in 2018

    Best Graphics Card for CAD Programs in 2018

    The graphics card or GPU is either the second or the third most important element to CADing, no matter what your experience or nature of the job. The GPU aids the processor by taking over the visual components freeing the CPU for its own workload. Nowadays, GPUs (Graphical Processing Unit, or just graphics cards) are…

  • Best RAM for CAD Workstations in 2018

    Best RAM for CAD Workstations in 2018

    RAM or Random Access Memory is the primary memory unit in a computer workstation, whether desktop, laptop or mobile device. It’s faster than your 2TB hard drive because it has no moving parts and can works faster than any other memory since it’s just electronic circuitry navigating electrical signals. That is why your processor works…

  • Best CAD SSD Reviews for 2018

    Best CAD SSD Reviews for 2018

    Secondary memory, as we computer scientists call it, is one of the most neglected aspects of computing. Up until a few years ago, if you had enough space, that’s all that mattered. Even the transition from ATA to SATA wasn’t as phenomenal a shift, as was brought along with the introduction of the SSD. Before…

  • Best CAD Keyboard Reviews for 2018

    Best CAD Keyboard Reviews for 2018

    With CAD becoming increasingly popular it is hardly surprising to find computers and accessories tailored for CAD professionals. There is one accessory however that has not taken its turn towards CAD which is the CAD keyboard. Let me get this out of the way first. There is no such thing as a CAD keyboard Having a penchant for…

  • Review Guide for the Best 3D Mouse for CAD

    Review Guide for the Best 3D Mouse for CAD

    For people involved in CAD projects, having a simple mouse would suffice but that is because the idea and reasoning behind purchasing a 3D mouse is quite obscure to most people. Here in this article I will discuss why you should buy the best 3D mouse for CAD, what to look for when buying a 3D…

  • Best CAD Workstation Reviews of 2018

    Best CAD Workstation Reviews of 2018

    CAD is no longer a software category. It’s no longer committed to mini computers the size of a car. CAD is now an entire discipline. It encompasses masses of hobbyists, engineers, construction professionals, architects and builders of all sorts. This discipline in turn requires a separate category of computers known as Workstations. Welcome to this article discussing…

  • Best Laptop for Solidworks in 2018

    Best Laptop for Solidworks in 2018

    Here we will discuss the ingredients needed for a laptop for Solidworks. We will focus on the best laptop for SolidWorks, because of the much needed mobility for everyone from freelancers to professional CAD designer, illustrators etc. (if you’re working with AutoCad you can check these options for best laptop for AutoCad). SolidWorks due to…

  • Best CAD Monitors for Various Budgets

    Best CAD Monitors for Various Budgets

    When it comes to selecting hardware for your CAD system, the first thoughts that come to mind are often related to “horsepower” – lots of RAM, a high-end graphics card, a large and fast hard drive.  While having a high-end system is one of the most important aspects of an excellent user experience with SolidWorks,…

  • A Guide to the Best Computer for SolidWorks

    A Guide to the Best Computer for SolidWorks

    If you’re thinking about getting SolidWorks, one of the first things to consider is the computer you’ll be using to operate the software. SolidWorks is high-end software, and it’s an immensely powerful tool when it comes to design. Consequently, it runs best on higher-end hardware, and you want to budget and plan wisely when selecting…

  • Build Your Own CAD Workstation – Build List and Reviews

    Build Your Own CAD Workstation – Build List and Reviews

    Recently, I have had the chance to put together a CAD workstation build for myself. I finally was able to afford and build my own workstation. But in doing so, I was unable to go to the very extreme and build myself a system which could, if not would, last the technical changes for a…