Category: CAD Hardware
A Guide to the Best Computer for SolidWorks
If you’re thinking about getting SolidWorks, one of the first things to consider is the computer you’ll be using to operate the software. SolidWorks is high-end software, and it’s an immensely powerful tool when it comes to design. Consequently, it runs best on higher-end hardware, and you want to budget and plan wisely when selecting…
A Guide to the Best Mouse for SolidWorks
One of the more overlooked aspects of selecting an appropriate system for 3D CAD software such as SolidWorks is also, perhaps, one of the most important – the computer mouse. While modern computing is moving in the direction of touchscreen-only interfaces, it will likely be many years before this tried and true method of GUI…
Build Your Own CAD Workstation – Build List and Reviews
Recently, I have had the chance to put together a CAD workstation build for myself. I finally was able to afford and build my own workstation. But in doing so, I was unable to go to the very extreme and build myself a system which could, if not would, last the technical changes for a…
Choosing the Best SolidWorks Graphics Card
When deciding to choose what hardware you will use to run your high-end 3D CAD software, you will need to select a SolidWorks graphics card. With so many options available, selecting the right graphics card may seem like a difficult task. However, with a good understanding of how you plan to use the software and…
What is the Best Laptop for AutoCAD?
Even though it is recommended to perform CAD designs on desktop computers, using a laptop computer is also a possibility. Laptops are simple because they are portable, lightweight, and well-balanced for many tasks. Especially for students and beginners in AutoCAD, it may not be economically feasible to invest in a full-pledge desktop computer to obtain better performance…
The Best Computer for AutoCAD
[toc]Choosing a computer for AutoCAD is a tough decision considering that you need to select such a computer with the best balance of options, quality, and at the same time price. However, if money is not a conver, this task will be simple as one will just advice you to go for the fastest and…