Ways To Strengthen CAD Data Security

5 Key Ways To Strengthen CAD Data Security

Innovations have brought about great tools to enhance life and make work easier for professionals in different fields. In design, innovators came up with computer-aided design (CAD) tools to ease the design process of products and items. Although quite effective, in most cases, security is a concern.

As a designer in a manufacturing plant, how do you ensure CAD data security in your daily operations? This article discusses ways you can strengthen this security.

1. Outsource Data Security Services

As a business, handling all your operations and then adding data security to the list can prove to be a challenge. You have to invest in the relevant technology and hire a team to handle data security, among other activities, which consume many resources. Even with all these systems in place, you might still get it wrong since you aren’t an expert in the field.

cad exercises

Therefore, consider outsourcing your CAD data security needs to experts. Your CAD is better protected with their assistance. ITSco managed IT services and support, for example, is a company that will professionally approach your data security, starting with performing an audit to assess your security level and identify loopholes. They’ll then utilize their tools to devise data security strategies to protect your CAD. All in all, you’re more or less assured they’ll strengthen your CAD data security.

2. Limit Data Access

One sure way of strengthening your data security is by limiting the number of people accessing your CAD files. CAD files are sensitive data since they’re prone to copywriting issues, and the designs can be stolen in the process before you actualize them, which can be frustrating. How do you limit access to these files?

CAD Data Security
Limit data access. Photo by license from Adobe Stock

It’s advisable to utilize passwords when gaining access to these files such that only those with the code can get to the files. As you adopt this strategy, you should use strong passwords that a hacker can’t easily guess. It’s always good to ensure your password has several characters and shouldn’t be related to your personal life or those around you.

Consider adopting two-factor authentication systems for CAD files in their initial stages that haven’t been launched. With two-factor authentication, the system will require anyone gaining access to fill in their login details and enter a code that it’ll send to your mobile phone or email. Alternatively, you can use biometrics instead of code sending.

3. Educate Your Team

As a business owner, you might implement and put in place strategies, but they can only be successful with your team’s effort. Therefore, it’s essential to bring them on board and show them the importance of CAD data security.

With the rise in cyberattacks, it’s important to educate your workers on these threats, preferably regularly as they arise. Here, it’s best to bring in experts in the field since they’re more knowledgeable. Besides informing your team on the rising threats, they’ll also educate them on identifying and countering these attacks.

In addition, consider formulating data security policies that your team should adhere to. It should include the dos and don’ts of handling CAD data and ensuring security. For instance, they shouldn’t write down their computer passwords on sticky notes and leave them out in the open and shouldn’t open emails from senders they don’t recognize, among others.

4. Encrypt And Back-Up Data

Even after putting all data security measures in place, there’s a probability of an unauthorized person getting access to this data. You need to acknowledge this possibility and prepare for such situations as a business. 

It’d help to encrypt your CAD files. The system will convert your CAD data into codes and store them in this format. Therefore, should anyone bypass security and try to get this data, it’d be challenging for them to decipher the codes and might abandon the whole stealing process in totality.

Alternatively, though it should be a habit, it’s always good to back up your data manually or automatically. Consider doing this regularly, monthly for normal data and weekly for sensitive CAD data. 

You can decide to back up this data on the cloud or an external hard drive. If you’re to use a hard drive, ensure that you don’t store it on your business premises; a storage area such as your bank safe can suffice.

Backing up data is essential since you can easily retrieve the files should your data get stolen. This prevents a situation where you undergo total loss, making you start from scratch with all your designs.

5. Update Your Systems

Developers come up with new versions of their software and other tools to enhance security. They do this once they realize the preceding version had loopholes that hackers were utilizing to steal data from businesses.

Therefore, make it a habit of familiarizing yourself with any updates on the software you’re using. If there’s a new version, update your systems accordingly to eliminate any vulnerability to your CAD data.


You’ve seen how easy it is to strengthen your CAD data security from the discussion above. With proper guidance like this article gives, you’ll be on the right path to protecting your designs. Therefore, consider implementing the tips discussed here.



